See all the Baltic states together

Thanks to Estonia’s proximity to Finland (ferries between Tallinn and Helsinki take just over three hours) Nordic influences abound however, if you’re looking for the bigger Baltic picture, add Lithuania and Latvia to your tour for a much more enlightening experience. Incorporating all three countries is an excellent way to discover the intricate nuances that create similar, yet distinctly different, cultural comparisons, with Estonia tending to distance itself from Baltic neighbours whilst looking lovingly over the Gulf of Finland instead.
Tri-Baltic tours encapsulate an essential array of highlights starting in either Helsinki or Tallinn and working southwards via the boardwalks of Lahemaa National Park and the white sand beaches of Parnu prior to heading over the Latvia border en-route to Riga and beyond. This sort of multi-country experience is far more than just a box ticking exercise but if you’re the kind of traveller who likes to explore on a two week holiday rather than just staying put then the relaxed borders of the Baltics offer every opportunity to do so.

Why it’s worth visiting all three Baltic States in one go

How many times do we return home from holiday wishing that we’d made a bit more of an effort to get out and explore. Although staying in one place can have its advantages there’s nothing like crossing borders and comparing countries to really feel like you’ve made the most of your time away. The Baltic States of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are three such countries that are crying out to be experienced as part of the same tour. Sightseeing in the capital cities alone is well-worth the extra effort, with mile upon mile of sandy coastline, combining with castles and churches dotted across ancient woodlands, adding to the fascination of travelling in Eastern Europe. Visiting all three Baltic countries is a travel experience to really be proud of and if you’re looking to return home safe in the knowledge that you’ve left nothing behind then now’s the time to reach out and grab life by the Baltics.

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Find out more

If you are interested in travelling south from Estonia and into Latvia and Lithuania then check out our travel guides to those countries. Both guides feature an interactive map of highlights as well loads of tips and advice from our experts including the best time to visit and things to do whilst you’re in the area.
Written by Chris Owen
Photo credits: [Page banner: Mike Beales] [Topbox1: Calle Eklund/V-wolf] [Why: Ilya Orehov] [Find out more: Pille-Riin Priske]