Holiday reviews policy
Purpose of holiday reviews
We ask our customers to review their holidays and publish them on Responsible Travel to help potential takers of those holidays a) to determine the suitability of that holiday for their requirements b) to discover any useful tips or information that will help them to get the best from that holiday. These independent holiday reviews also serve a vital function in making sure that the holiday is of the quality expected and that it upholds the criteria for responsible tourism that we have committed to. The reviews do not represent the views of Responsible Travel, the company and the company is not liable for any inaccurate information or misrepresentation given.
We do not edit any reviews
It's important that customers are able to form their own opinions of a particular holiday, independently from information given by either our partners or ourselves at Responsible Travel. So we don't alter any of the reviews and we also publish all reviews, (except in certain extreme cases), that we are sent legitimately after we have asked people to send them in. The only thing we do is remove the name of our partner in all cases, simply to protect our own business.
Right to reply
All our partners who run our holidays have the right to reply to negative reviews 14 days prior to publishing. These replies are published alongside the original reviews so that the potential holiday taker can form their own opinion of the holiday.
Who can write a review for publishing
Reviews will only be published that have been written by customers who have taken that holiday. Reviews will only be published that have been sent as a result of solicitation or invitation from Responsible Travel.
Use of reviews and images
Images and reviews submitted to us are also kept on file and may be used in other areas on our site at our discretion as well as on our newsletter and other online media. This process does not always allow us to accredit the traveller with their images / review. If we wish to use images or video for any other promotions outside of this both for Responsible Travel and outside agencies, we will seek permission from the customer.
Reviews that are not published immediately or cannot be published
Reviews will not be published immediately in instances where our partners wish to reply to comments made in the review, in advance of publishing.
Reviews will not be published immediately where there is a dispute over the facts surrounding a specific complaint or if there is a responsible tourism issue. It is important that people reading the reviews are given information that is as accurate as possible, in order to form a fair view of the holiday. In situations where our customer and our partner cannot agree on the facts of what happened on any given holiday, we cannot publish either a review or a reply until those facts are agreed upon. We cannot publish hearsay.
Reviews and replies to reviews will not be published that give highly personalised and possibly defamatory or libellous opinions regarding an individual or individuals related to the holiday. The parties involved in such a situation are encouraged to discuss and resolve their differences outside of the forum of reviews. The company reserves the right not to publish reviews or replies that they consider extreme and possibly prejudicial to any possible legal dispute between two parties.
Taking a holiday or an accommodation off sale
If a review comes in questioning the responsible tourism aspects of a holiday and we do not receive a satisfactory response from our partner answering the concerns we take the trip off the site.
If you have returned from a holiday that you booked with Responsible Travel and you haven’t received an email from us asking for your review, please contact us on
We ask our customers to review their holidays and publish them on Responsible Travel to help potential takers of those holidays a) to determine the suitability of that holiday for their requirements b) to discover any useful tips or information that will help them to get the best from that holiday. These independent holiday reviews also serve a vital function in making sure that the holiday is of the quality expected and that it upholds the criteria for responsible tourism that we have committed to. The reviews do not represent the views of Responsible Travel, the company and the company is not liable for any inaccurate information or misrepresentation given.
We do not edit any reviews
It's important that customers are able to form their own opinions of a particular holiday, independently from information given by either our partners or ourselves at Responsible Travel. So we don't alter any of the reviews and we also publish all reviews, (except in certain extreme cases), that we are sent legitimately after we have asked people to send them in. The only thing we do is remove the name of our partner in all cases, simply to protect our own business.
Right to reply
All our partners who run our holidays have the right to reply to negative reviews 14 days prior to publishing. These replies are published alongside the original reviews so that the potential holiday taker can form their own opinion of the holiday.
Who can write a review for publishing
Reviews will only be published that have been written by customers who have taken that holiday. Reviews will only be published that have been sent as a result of solicitation or invitation from Responsible Travel.
Use of reviews and images
Images and reviews submitted to us are also kept on file and may be used in other areas on our site at our discretion as well as on our newsletter and other online media. This process does not always allow us to accredit the traveller with their images / review. If we wish to use images or video for any other promotions outside of this both for Responsible Travel and outside agencies, we will seek permission from the customer.
Reviews that are not published immediately or cannot be published
Reviews will not be published immediately in instances where our partners wish to reply to comments made in the review, in advance of publishing.
Reviews will not be published immediately where there is a dispute over the facts surrounding a specific complaint or if there is a responsible tourism issue. It is important that people reading the reviews are given information that is as accurate as possible, in order to form a fair view of the holiday. In situations where our customer and our partner cannot agree on the facts of what happened on any given holiday, we cannot publish either a review or a reply until those facts are agreed upon. We cannot publish hearsay.
Reviews and replies to reviews will not be published that give highly personalised and possibly defamatory or libellous opinions regarding an individual or individuals related to the holiday. The parties involved in such a situation are encouraged to discuss and resolve their differences outside of the forum of reviews. The company reserves the right not to publish reviews or replies that they consider extreme and possibly prejudicial to any possible legal dispute between two parties.
Taking a holiday or an accommodation off sale
If a review comes in questioning the responsible tourism aspects of a holiday and we do not receive a satisfactory response from our partner answering the concerns we take the trip off the site.