3 independent reviews for Namibia Desert & Caprivi camping safari
Reviews for Namibia Desert & Caprivi camping safari
Linda Perry review 3 Sep 2022
1. What was the most memorable or exciting part of your holiday?
As a scuba diver, I was really awed by the Cape Fur Seals at Cape Cross. Wikipedia says up to two hundred thousand seals! Hubert and I signed up for the Township Tour in Mondesa, Swakopmund. I thought it was going to be a city photo opportunity. Instead, we learned how the government manipulated the three local tribes through housing iniquities. And how the tribes put aside their differences and worked together for independence. We visited a local home daycare run by a Herero woman. I did home daycare, too, so we shared a common bond. We visited a women's shelter for women with children who arrive in the country without support. I bought several crafts the women make to support themselves until they find housing and jobs. We also had a traditional African meal in a local restaurant. Afterward, we were entertained by superb, talented acapella singers. Engaging with four members of the Bushmen of the Kalahari was so special. I read about them when I was twelve and feel lucky to learn from them before they disappear.2. What tips would you give other travellers booking this holiday?
This is a strenuous trip the heat, long days, lots of driving, setting up camp, and then often very physical activities. Be prepared for sick days and keep your sense of humor. The tour is a great way to see many different aspects of Africa. It is much more than an animal safari, but we saw more animals than you can count. I enjoyed talking with local people, although much of our time was spent with members of our tour group. I was the only American in my group. German was their common language, but they also spoke English. They made a real effort to include me, but occasionally I felt like an outsider.3. Did you feel that your holiday benefited local people, reduced environmental impacts or supported conservation?
Yes...I think local people enjoyed learning more about other cultures as much as we enjoyed participating in theirs. I think our currency is important in supporting the environment. And smiles are great bridges between cultures.4. Finally, how would you rate your holiday overall?
When I came home I debated how I could explain the tour. Finally, I decided I could safely say, "I went, and I came home." I was very sick the last three or four days, and I struggled with side effects from my malaria tablets. Twenty-one days is a marathon of a trip. (I turned 80 on day one of the tour.) I decided to separate the trip into travel and unforgettable experiences. Travel includes long days of bumpy unpaved roads. Heat. Constant activity. Setting up a big, heavy canvas tent. Taking it down the next morning, very early. Hydrating. Mood swings. Fatigue. Border crossings. Experiences: bus game drives; walking game drives; helicopter over the Okavango Delta; African camel ride; Bushman medical practices; shopping; boat rides; campfires; African sunrises and sunsets. Although at first glance travel looks totally negative, "...it ain't necessarily so." Although the roads were bumpy and unpaved and the days were long, we covered three countries and saw things you can only see "off road". The heat was usually comfortable, no sweaters required. I like constant activity...on boredom here. I usually had help with my tent, although still a good workout. We purchased our own water, giving us an opportunity to go to shopping markets and note similarities and differences in marketing. Mood swings and fatigue keep us humble and border crossings are always interesting, if time consuming. Great trip.Petra Norstedt review 10 Nov 2019
1. What was the most memorable or exciting part of your holiday?
All the animals and nature, the profssional giudes my group2. What tips would you give other travellers booking this holiday?
Be openminded.3. Did you feel that your holiday benefited local people, reduced environmental impacts or supported conservation?
Yes.4. Finally, how would you rate your holiday overall?
My best travel everIrma Gruben review 5 Feb 2019
1. What was the most memorable or exciting part of your holiday?
Camping in Okavango Delta and Vic Falls.2. What tips would you give other travellers booking this holiday?
Prepair for long hours in the vehicle and getting up early every day. Bring along enough US$ in cash. You travel through 4 different countries and it's hard to estimate how much (local) money you will need. Some currencies can be used in other countries on the tour, others not. With US$ you can pay everywhere. Use your spare currencies at the end of the tour for tipping your guides! It's a good way to get rid of it and they can use it on future tours.3. Did you feel that your holiday benefited local people, reduced environmental impacts or supported conservation?
Yes. Although from a western point of view it was sometimes a little strange to see the use of large quantities of plastic (water) bottles on the way. I would suggest to use reusable, sustainable containers as much as possible during the tour. On the other hand: the many 5 litres plastic containers that we bought for drinking water were given to the local people when empty, so that they could use them for carrying their own water.4. Finally, how would you rate your holiday overall?
A great tour with more luxury than I expected for a camping tour. E.g. swimming pools at a lot of the campsites. The camp sites are great, located in beautiful, often remote areas!Holiday Reviews
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