Mali holidays

If you don’t know the song already, search ‘Welcome to Mali’. Because Mali holidays will make you feel just that when you arrive in this landlocked West African mega land of Sahara Desert, the ancient trading city and UNESCO World Heritage Site of Timbuktu, the ethnic rich life in Djenné and its capital Bamako as well as at some of its world renowned festivals such as the Festival sur le Niger in Segou or Touareg Music Festival.


Mali festival on the Niger holiday

Mali festival on the Niger holiday

Special tour and festival of the Niger tour, Mali
From €2,197 9 days ex flights
Small group travel: 2025: 1 Feb
Mali music & culture tour, Festival of the Niger

Mali music & culture tour, Festival of the Niger

Music & art Festival along the Niger River
From €2,197 9 days ex flights
Small group travel: 2025: 1 Feb
Timbuktu festival tour, Mali

Timbuktu festival tour, Mali

Timbuktu's doors are open
From €2,614 9 days ex flights
Small group travel: 2024: 14 Dec
    Photo credits: [Page banner: stormarn]