Our views on nature
Responsible Travel is an activist travel company. We screen every holiday on our site against our responsible travel criteria.
For nature this includes ensuring that trips have high animal welfare standards, reduce waste where possible, limit their environmental impact, protect/advocate for biodiversity and support responsible conservation projects.
We've campaigned against many unethical 'nature' based experiences - for example orca circuses, zoos, turtle hatcheries where hatchlings are kept in tanks, and elephant sanctuaries where riding and entertainment practices take place.
Liaising with, and researching alongside our members and their partners on the ground, as well as external NGOs and experts is key to remaining up-to-date. We continually update our policies and findings to ensure they remain current.
Please see below for our views on the latest ethical dilemmas and issues concerning nature, including plastics and tourism, the future of cruises and saying no to fake snow, as well as all our up-to-date policies on wildlife and captive/domesticated animals.
For nature this includes ensuring that trips have high animal welfare standards, reduce waste where possible, limit their environmental impact, protect/advocate for biodiversity and support responsible conservation projects.
We've campaigned against many unethical 'nature' based experiences - for example orca circuses, zoos, turtle hatcheries where hatchlings are kept in tanks, and elephant sanctuaries where riding and entertainment practices take place.
Liaising with, and researching alongside our members and their partners on the ground, as well as external NGOs and experts is key to remaining up-to-date. We continually update our policies and findings to ensure they remain current.
Please see below for our views on the latest ethical dilemmas and issues concerning nature, including plastics and tourism, the future of cruises and saying no to fake snow, as well as all our up-to-date policies on wildlife and captive/domesticated animals.
Habitats and ecosystems

What is Nature Positive Tourism?
Why we believe it’s the next necessary step for all tourism businesses...

Say no to fake snow
Artificial snow has no future. Sustainable snow activities are the way forwards...

Banning Microbeads in Household Products
Plastic litters our oceans across the globe and it is not just plastic bags that are the culprits

Save Poland's Bialowieza Forest
Untouched by humans for centuries this treasure trove of biodiversity is under threat

Stop Dirty Dams in the Amazon
Large dams in the Amazon are among the biggest drivers of environmental destruction and human rights abuses in Brazil today

Nature positive holidays & travel
Nature positive is the new global goal for nature - the equivalent of net zero for carbon
Watch our film & say no to turtles in tanks
Watch our film and read our guide on why tanks benefit tourists, not turtles

Why are there so few wildlife holidays in England?
At Responsible Travel, we sell plenty of wildlife holidays in Scotland, but wildlife holidays in England just don’t exist. Why?
Captive and domesticated animals
Elephants and tourism
Our stance on elephant trekking, riding and performing - and how we formed it
Photo credits: [What is ecotourism: Ammit Jack] [Plastics and tourism: Christian Haugen] [Say no to fake snow: Guttorm Flatabo] [The future of cruise holidays: Antti T. Nissinen] [Paradise: gadzius] [Tiger safari tips: Annie Spratt] [Is it ethical to swim with sharks?: Elias Levy] [Whaling in Iceland: Jean Bazard] [Canned hunting: Frontierofficial] [Our stance on captive animals: Max Borge] [Why we think keeping whales in captivity is wrong: Ted murphy] [Our zoos campaign and zoos on a fake pedestal: Sheng Wen Lo] [The happy horse holiday code: Daniel Burka] [Rodeos and stampedes: Erik Charlton] [Banning Microbeads in Household Products: MPCA Photos] [Save Polands Bialowieza Forest: Frank Vassen] [Stop dirty dams in the Amazon: International Rivers] [Why are there so few wildlife holidays in England?: Peter Trimming]