Mukuvisi Woodlands Nature Reserve, Zimbabwe - travel journal

Mukuvisi Woodlands, on the outskirts of Harare, is an important resource for people who may not be able to visit the national parks and it runs an Eco-Schools education programme.
The children and staff were accompanied by staff from our partner organisation, Oasis Overland, and were transported in their expedition vehicles. The children were divided into two groups by age on the two days so that the education element could be delivered accordingly.
Date: 18th and 19th January 20248.30am We arrived to pick the children up and there was a lot of excitement as our two trucks pulled into the driveway! 24, very happy children boarded each vehicle and the journey to the reserve was full of lots of singing, hand clapping and waving at other vehicles!
9.30am When we arrived at the reserve each child was given a notebook and a pen and our first stop was a teaching space, where the children were given information on the reserve and wildlife by the staff there.
11.00am We stopped for a morning snack break, where the children had bananas, bread and juice
11.30am We then proceeded to do a walk around part of the reserve and go to the viewing platform, where the children were able to see and learn more about the wildlife. We were able to see giraffe, zebra, wildebeest, eland, guinea fowl and other birds. Despite their excitement the children managed to stay quiet for this and didn’t scare the animals away! Unfortunately, on both days the weather was very wet but this didn’t deter the children’s enthusiasm. For many this was the first time they had seen native wildlife.
1.00pm We stopped for lunch, of sadza, chicken and a soft drink, cooked by the catering team at the reserve. We gave the children the option to choose their lunch menu and this was a hands down winner! The children rarely have meat at their Home (due to the cost) so this was a real treat! Portions were generous and everyone thought the food was delicious! The children were all able to sit together and there was lots of conversation about their morning. They never normally get an opportunity to eat out so this was a big event.
There was some time to play before we commenced our afternoon activities.
2.00pm Our educators spoke to the children about conservation, climate change, pollution and recycling and encouraged them to think about the impacts of this and their role in maintaining a sustainable environment. The children were able to ask questions and think about how Zimbabwe, in particular, was affected.
2.30pm The children now had free time to play. Despite the rain, football was a popular option and circle games. Some of our staff taught the children a few popular UK playground games and likewise our staff learned some new games popular in Zimbabwe.There was a lot of laughter all round!
3.30pm With a lollipop and apple in hand the children boarded our trucks and we commenced our return journey. The children rarely leave the compound they live on so the journey was fascinating to them, seeing different parts of their home city, especially during afternoon rush hour! We deliberately took them on the most vibrant route and they were fascinated by what they saw. The journey home was accompanied by plenty more singing and clapping!!
4.30pm We arrived back at the Home and the children were excited to tell the children who had travelled on the alternative day about their day, comparing notes on what they’d seen and done.

Impact from the staff: "You do not realise what you are doing for the children when you take them out on these trips. They talk about it all year."
"These trips revitalise the staff. We can clear our heads for the day as we also rarely get to go anywhere. We feel revitalised in our roles afterwards and love to see the children so happy."
"This is such a perfect day. Thank you."
"I want to do this every day."
"I am so excited to have seen a giraffe, but I now need to find out how it’s digestive system works with that long neck!"
"’I cannot believe we have seen these animals today. We are so blessed. Tonight I will dream about zebras and giraffe."
About our partner organisation: Oasis Overland has been working with the children’s home for over 10 years in a variety of roles – often supplying food and equipment when times have been really hard. They have also helped the home in terms of self sufficiency, providing tools, seeds and a borehole for their vegetable garden.
Other trips that we have run in Zimbabwe:

We took a group of 92 children and 14 staff from the Hupenyu Hutsva Children’s Home in Harare to Imire Rhino & Wildlife Conservancy in Zimbabwe.

We took a group of 94 children and 10 staff from the Hupenyu Hutsva Children’s Home in Harare to Imire Rhino & Wildlife Conservancy in Zimbabwe.

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