Vjosa river packrafting holiday, Albania

Description of Vjosa river packrafting holiday, Albania
Check dates
2024: 17 Sep, 18 Sep, 19 Sep, 20 Sep, 21 Sep, 22 Sep, 23 Sep, 24 Sep, 25 Sep, 26 Sep, 27 Sep, 28 Sep, 29 Sep, 30 Sep, 1 Oct, 2 Oct, 3 Oct, 4 Oct, 5 Oct, 6 Oct, 7 Oct, 8 Oct, 9 Oct, 10 Oct, 11 Oct, 12 Oct, 13 Oct, 14 Oct, 15 Oct, 16 Oct, 17 Oct, 18 Oct, 19 Oct, 20 Oct, 21 Oct, 22 Oct, 23 Oct, 24 Oct, 25 Oct, 26 Oct, 27 Oct, 28 Oct, 29 Oct, 30 Oct, 31 Oct, 1 Nov
Travel guides
Albania was once in the middle of great empires – Roman, Greek and Ottoman. Although staunchly communist, it escaped the clutches of the USSR and was ...
Never tried sea kayaking? Give it a go. Always wanted to go on a canopy walk above a jungle? Why the heck not? Mountain biking on actual mountains? Sn...
Responsible Travel
As the pioneers of responsible tourism, we've screened this (and every) holiday so that you can travel knowing we've worked to maximise the benefits of your holiday to local people and places, and minimise any negative impacts.
CARBON REDUCTIONWe are proud to be an eco friendly tour company meaning that we do care about our planet. Not only that we are reducing domestic flights, but we are also minimizing any kind of transportation. For this specific tour we are not using any sort of transportation except kayak. We are staying in the campsites and guesthouses that are using renewable energy and also we do camping in the wilderness without electricity at some days of the trip.
You will be paddling in the first river national park in the world - Vjosa river national park. The landscape changes from mountains down to the sea making this tour so special. Several years ago we were part of the kayak movement protecting this river from dam construction which was started but luckly stoped after. Thanks to that fight you can still enjoy in the crystal clear waters full of fish such as trout but also sea fishes. You will be able to see many birds flying to south and also some foxes and possibly dears next to the water.
LOCAL ECONOMYAll the accommodation cites that we cooperate with are locally owned if not wild camping . If we do wild camp, we try to donate and support locals in the villages near by, like buying food and drinks directly from them.
We employ only local guides and we are always visiting local markets for food supplies and we pay visit to the domestic families in the villages on our way, to make sure that our clients get the full cultural and historical experience.
More than 95 percent of people that we or our partners employ are from our country and at least 75- 80 percent are locals, from the areas that we operate in.
When ever we have a chance we support poor people from community, we employ woman's as guides or as logistical support.
We do pay at least 20 % more than minimum wage to our employees.
All our trips are LQBT friendly.
We also provide kayak courses and school every year for local communities, motivating younger population to become guides and active members of society in terms of nature protection .
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